Our ncert solutions for Solutions Chapter 8. The Hack Driver - NCERT Solution | Class 10 English Reader - Toppers Study is the best material for English Medium students cbse board and other state boards students.
Solutions Chapter 8. The Hack Driver - NCERT Solution | Class 10 English Reader - Toppers Study
Topper Study classes prepares ncert solutions on practical base problems and comes out with the best result that helps the students and teachers as well as tutors and so many ecademic coaching classes that they need in practical life. Our ncert solutions for Solutions Chapter 8. The Hack Driver - NCERT Solution | Class 10 English Reader - Toppers Study is the best material for English Medium students cbse board and other state boards students.
Solutions Chapter 8. The Hack Driver - NCERT Solution | Class 10 English Reader - Toppers Study
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Chapter 8 English Reader class 10
NCERT Solution class 10 English Reader Chapter Chapter 8. The Hack Driver
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Chapter 8. The Hack Driver
| NCERT Solution |
Solutions Chapter 8. The Hack Driver - NCERT Solution | Class 10 English Reader - Toppers Study
Think about it
Q1. When the lawyer reached new mullion, did ‘bill’ know that he was looking for lutkings? When do you think bill come up with his plan for booling the lawyer?
Ans. When the lawyer reached new mullion ‘bill’ did not know that he was looking for lutkings. Bill knew when the lawyer asked for lutkings to bill. So bill came up with his plans just only when lawyer asked for lutkings to bill.
Q2. Lutkins openly takes the lawyer all over the village. How is that no one lets out the secret? Can you find others such subtitle ways in which lutkins manipulates the taur.
Ans. When lutkins ask anyone about lutkins he said to lawyer to keep out of sight behind him. Only bill asked about lutkins, so no one lets out the secret because no one knew what the matter was.
Q3. Why do you think lutkins neighbours were anxious to meet the lawyer?
Ans. Lutkins neighbours were anxious to meet the because lawyerwas asking about lutkins who was with him.
Q4. After his first day experience with the hack driver the lawer thinks of returning to new mullion to practice law. Do you think he would have reconsidered this idea after his second visit?
Ans. It is very likely and natural that he would have recognized his idea about practice his legal practice at new mullion.
He was deeply hurt and felt humiliated when he came to know and realized that he had been tricked and made an object of laugher. He found lutkins and his mother visibly laughing at her and his friends joining and enjoying befooling him. He discovered that country people were not so simple, sincere, cooperating and helping as he had pictured them after his first visit I think he must have completely dropped the idea of starting his legal practice at ne mullion.
Q5. Do you think the lawyer was gullible? How could he have avoided being taken for a ride?
Ans. We think the lawyer was guillible because hack driver rounds with him all around the village for blaise lutkins. The lawyer could have avoided being taken for a ride if he himself would try to know about lutkins not take ‘bill’s help
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