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Our ncert solutions for Solutions 1. Matter in Our Surroundings - Additional -Questions | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study is the best material for English Medium students cbse board and other state boards students.

Solutions ⇒ Class 9th ⇒ Science ⇒ 1. Matter in Our Surroundings

Solutions 1. Matter in Our Surroundings - Additional -Questions | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study

Topper Study classes prepares ncert solutions on practical base problems and comes out with the best result that helps the students and teachers as well as tutors and so many ecademic coaching classes that they need in practical life. Our ncert solutions for Solutions 1. Matter in Our Surroundings - Additional -Questions | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study is the best material for English Medium students cbse board and other state boards students.

Solutions 1. Matter in Our Surroundings - Additional -Questions | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study

CBSE board students who preparing for class 9 ncert solutions maths and Science solved exercise chapter 1. Matter in Our Surroundings available and this helps in upcoming exams 2024-2025.

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Chapter 1 Science class 9

Additional -Questions class 9 Science Chapter 1. Matter in Our Surroundings

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  • Solutions 1. Matter In Our Surroundings - Additional -Questions | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
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  • Solution Chapter 1. Matter In Our Surroundings Class 9
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  • Chapter 1. Matter In Our Surroundings Additional -Questions Class 9

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1. Matter in Our Surroundings

| Additional -Questions |

Solutions 1. Matter in Our Surroundings - Additional -Questions | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study

Que. – What are the characteristics of the particles of matter ?

Ans. - The characteristics of the particles of matter are the following.

  1. Particles of matter have space between them.
  2. Particles of matter are continuously moving.
  3. Particles of matter attract each other.

Que. – Write three physical state of matter.

Ans. -  (i) solid

            (ii) liquid

            (ii) Gas

Que. – What is Evaporation?

Ans. – The phenomenon of change of a liquid into vapours at any temperature below its boiling point is called evaporation.

Que. – Give the reason for the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several metres away, but to get the smell from cold food you have to go close. 

Ans. – It is the property of matter that increasing the temperature, the particles of matter spread very faster. Thus the smell of hot food spread faster than cool food.

Que. –   A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation show?

Ans. – This observation shows that there is space between water molecules (particles of matter).

Que. – What is Fusion?

Ans – The process by which a solid get converted into liquid is known as fusion.

Que. – What is Solidification?

Ane. – The process by which a liquid get converted into solid is known as solidification.

Que. – What is sublimation?

Ane. – The process by which a solid get converted into gas directly without being converted into its liquid form is known as sublimation.

Que. – What is deffusion?

Ans. – Intermixing of particles of two different types of matter on their own is called diffusion.

Que – Write one factor which influence diffusion.

Ans – Heat.

Que. – Why is the rate of diffusion of liquids is higher than that of the solids?

Ans. – This is due to the fact that in the liquid state, particles move freely and have greater space between each other as compared to particles in the solid state.

Que – Write the factors which influence the rate of evaporation.

Ans – There are four factors which influence the rate of evaporation.

  1. An increase of surface area.
  2. An increase of temperature
  3. A decrease in humidity.
  4. An increase in wind speed

Que – Write the property of solid liquid and gas .

Ans –


  1. Solid have a definite shape.
  2. Solid have a fixed volume.
  3. It cannot be changed its shape.
  4. Inter molecular force are strongest in solid.


  1. Liquids have no fixed shape.
  2. Liquids flow and change shape so they are not rigid.
  3. They are not compressed.
  4. Inter molecular force are less strong in liquids.


  1. Gases neither have a definite.
  2. They can do compressed.
  3. Gas can also flow.
  4. Inter molecular force are large space than solid and liquid. 

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Study Materials List:

Solutions ⇒ Class 9th ⇒ Science
1. Matter in Our Surroundings
2. Is Matter around us Pure
3. Atoms and Molecules
4. Structure of The Atom
5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
6. Tissues
7. Diversity in Living Organisms
8. Motion
9. Force and Laws of Motion
10. Gravitation
11. Work and Energy
12. Sound
13. Why Do We Fall ill
14. Natural Resources
15. Improvement in Food Resources

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