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Solutions ⇒ Class 6th ⇒ Geography ⇒ Chapter 6. Major Landforms of the Earth

Solutions Chapter 6. Major Landforms of the Earth - NCERT Exericse | Class 6 Geography - Toppers Study

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Solutions Chapter 6. Major Landforms of the Earth - NCERT Exericse | Class 6 Geography - Toppers Study

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NCERT Exericse class 6 Geography Chapter Chapter 6. Major Landforms of the Earth

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Chapter 6. Major Landforms of the Earth

| NCERT Exericse |

Solutions Chapter 6. Major Landforms of the Earth - NCERT Exericse | Class 6 Geography - Toppers Study

          Chapter- 6.  Major Land Form of the Earth

Q1. Answer the following questions briefly.

(a) What are that major landforms ?

Ans. The surface of the earth is not same everywhere. It has an infinite variety of landforms. The major landforms are the mountains, hills, plateaus, basins, plains, islands etc.

(b) What is the difference between a mountain and a plateau ?




1. Mountains are the high and steep landforms that extend above the surrounding areas. 

2.Generally, mountains are the landforms that rise above 600 meters.


3. Their elevation can exceed 8000 m

4. Mountains are rich in forests.


5. More than half of the world's fresh water originates  in mountains.


6. Himalayas, Rockies and Andes are the main mountains in the world.

1. plateaus are the flat surfaced areas, bounded by steep slope.


2. These are huge land forms. they cover hundreds or even thousands of kilo meters.

3. Their elevation can exceed 4500 m,

4. Plateaus are the great reservoirs of different minerals.

5.The rivers of plateaus form waterfalls when they fall from a great height.

6. Deccan plateau, East Africa plateau and Tibet are the major plateaus in the world.


(c) What are the different types of mountains ?

Ans. There are three types of mountains in the world. These are the Fold mountains, block mountains and the Volcanic mountains.

(i) Fold mountains : They form when the earth's crust bends and buckles. Himalayas, Andes and Rockies are the main fold mountains.

(ii) Block mountains : They form when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. Vosges mountain of Europe is an example of block mountain.

(iii) Volcanic mountains : They form due to the volcanic activities. Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mt. Fujiyama in Japan are the major volcanic mountains in the world.

(d) How are the mountain useful to main because

* They are the large reservoir of water.

* They are the major  sources of river and river water is widely used for irrigation purposes and in the production of hydroelectricity.

* Mountains are rich in variety of flora and fauna.

* They provide fuel, shelter, fodder and other forest products.

* They also support tourism industry by giving scenic beauty, clean air and fresh climate.

* They also encourage sports like skiing and mountain climbing.

(e) How plains are formed ?

Ans. plains are the flat and relatively low-lying areas of the earth's surface. These plains are formed by rivers their tributaries  and distributaries. The rivers flow down from mountains and erode them. they carry the eroded material and deposit it along their courses or in their valleys. In this way, the plains  are formed with the help of deposit materials.

(f) Why are river plains thickly populated ?

Ans. Generally, the plains are flat and made up of the fertile soil. so, they provide favorable conditions for agriculture. In plains rivers flow slowly. Therefore, it can be used for navigation. The construction of transport network is easy in flat areas. Due to these qualities, the river plains are thickly populated.

(g) Why are mountains thinly populated ?

Ans. Mountains are thinly populated because they have steep slopes and lack in good soil. These conditions are not favorable for agriculture. The steep slopes, on the other hand, make the transportation and physical communication difficult. Mountain areas in the world are not much developed, so they can't provide modern facilities to their people.

Q2. Tick the correct answers.

(a) The mountain differnt from the hills in terms of

(i) elevation   (ii) slope    (iii) aspect

(b) Glacier are found in

(i) the mountains   (ii) the plains   (iii) the plateaus

(c) The Deccan Plateau is located in

(i) Kenya     (ii) Australia   (iii) India

(d) The river Yangtze flows in

(i) the South America

(ii) Australia

(iii) china

(e) An important mountain range of Europe is

(i) the Andes   (ii) the Alps  (iii) the Rockies

Ans. (a) (i), (b) (i), (c) (iii), (d) (iii), (e) (ii)

Q3. Fill in the blanks.

1. A ....... is an unbroken flat or a low-level land.

2. The Himalayas and the Alps are examples of ........ types of mountains.

3. ........ areas are rich in mineral deposits.

4.The ........ is a line of mountains.

5. The ........ areas are most productive for farming.

Ans. 1. plateau, 2. young fold, 3. plateau, 4. range, 5. plain.

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