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Notes 7. Diversity in Living Organisms - The benefits of Classification | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
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Notes 7. Diversity in Living Organisms - The benefits of Classification | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
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The benefits of Classification class 9 Science Chapter 7. Diversity in Living Organisms
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- Chapter 7. Diversity In Living Organisms The Benefits Of Classification Class 9
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7. Diversity in Living Organisms
| The benefits of Classification |
Notes 7. Diversity in Living Organisms - The benefits of Classification | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
Diversity: All living beings are different in one way or another.
On the basis of a residence, based on a shape, such as - a superfine bacteria and on the other hand, 30-meter-long whale or large tree, life, based on method of energy intake varies depending on the organisms. These differences in species are called diversity.
The benefits of the Classification:
(I) It makes easy the biological study of evolution.
(Ii) It also makes easy to understand the particular characteristics of organisms.
(Iii) It helps to identify organisms.
(Iv) It to establish the relationship between the different groups of organisms.
(V) It can be got information of all living organisms of the group to study only about an organism.
The Basis of Classification:
(I) Organisms are included in a group on the basis of their similarities and excluded on the basis of differences.
(Ii) The first classification of organisms is based on cellular structure and function of organisms.
(Iii) such as then - organisms are classified into unicellular and multicellular organisms, the cell walls of the organism and the organisms without cell walls or photosynthetic organisms and photosynthesis by organisms that are not excluded.
Classification and organic growth:
All living organism identified on the basis of their physical structure and function, and they are classified. Some symptoms of physical texture than other symptoms make changes. This time is also very important role. So when there is no physical structure existed, so many changes in the body that affect later.
Original symptoms: physical appearance, during which symptoms first
appear, they are known as the original symptoms.
Evolutions: the constant changes in organisms is still in the process due to the changes that were necessary for their better life. For better living organisms, i.e. those who must change is the changes in life that change is called a bio-development.
Evolution's concept: in organisms from time to time changes to their better living conditions, which is why a new life retains its survival, that is evolution. This concept of evolution is given by Charles Darwin in 1859, his first book, "The Origins of species" given.
Type of Organism on the basis of the concept of evolution:
(1) Primitive Organisms: The physical structure of some organism groups Since ancient times there has been no significant change. Such organisms are called primitive organisms.
(2) Advanced or higher organism: Some substantial changes in the physical structures of the organism's groups are visible. They are called advanced (Advanced) organisms.
Five kingdoms submitted by Whitaker are:
1. Monera (Monera)
2. protista (Protista)
3. fungi (Fungi)
4. Plant (Plantae)
5. Animalia (Animalia)
1. Monera (Monera Kingdom):
The Features of Monera Kingdm:
(I) They have not organized nucleus and cell organalles.
(Ii) They are not multicellular.
(Iii) Some of them have cell walls and some organisms have not.
(Iv) They have Prokaryotic cells.
(V) These can be both autotropic or heterotropic.
Examples: bacteria, blue-green algae or cyanobacteria, Mycoplasma, etc.
2. Protista (Protista Kingdom):
The Features of Protista Kingdom:
(I) The organisms of this kingdom are unicellular eukaryotic.
(Ii) Some organisms have the cilia and flagella like structure for the moving around.
(Iii) They are both autotrophic and heterotropic.
Example: unicellular algae, and protozoa etc
3. Fungi (Fungi Kingdom):
The Features of Fungi Kingdom:
(I) These organisms are heterotropic eukaryotic.
(Ii) They are saprophytes which take food by dead and decay carbonic substances.
(Iii) many of these organisms are multicellular capability.
(Iv) They have cell-walls made of a tough complex sugar called Chitin.
Example: yeast and mushrooms.
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