Our CBSE Notes for Notes 3. Atoms and Molecules - Formation of Simple Molecules | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study is the best material for English Medium students cbse board and other state boards students.
Notes 3. Atoms and Molecules - Formation of Simple Molecules | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
Topper Study classes prepares CBSE Notes on practical base problems and comes out with the best result that helps the students and teachers as well as tutors and so many ecademic coaching classes that they need in practical life. Our CBSE Notes for Notes 3. Atoms and Molecules - Formation of Simple Molecules | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study is the best material for English Medium students cbse board and other state boards students.
Notes 3. Atoms and Molecules - Formation of Simple Molecules | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
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Chapter 3 Science class 9
Formation of Simple Molecules class 9 Science Chapter 3. Atoms and Molecules
Sure! The following topics will be covered in this article
- Notes 3. Atoms And Molecules - Formation Of Simple Molecules | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
- Class 9 Ncert Solutions
- Solution Chapter 3. Atoms And Molecules Class 9
- Solutions Class 9
- Chapter 3. Atoms And Molecules Formation Of Simple Molecules Class 9
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3. Atoms and Molecules
| Formation of Simple Molecules |
Notes 3. Atoms and Molecules - Formation of Simple Molecules | Class 9 Science - Toppers Study
3. Atoms and Molecules
The rules that you have to follow while writing a chemical formula are as follows:
(i) The valencies or charges on the ion must balance.
(ii) When a compound consists of a metal and a non-metal, the name or symbol of the metal is written first. For example: calcium oxide (CaO), sodium chloride (NaCl), iron sulphide (FeS), copper oxide (CuO) etc.
(iii) Where oxygen, chlorine, sulphur are non-metals and are written on the right, whereas calcium, sodium, iron and copper are metals, and are written on the left.
(iv) In compounds formed with polyatomic ions, the ion is enclosed in a bracket before writing the number to indicate the ratio.
Binary Compounds: The simplest compounds, which are made up of two different elements are called binary compounds.
Writing Formula of Simple Compounds:
While writing the chemical formulae for compounds, we write the constituent
elements and their valencies as shown below. Then we must crossover the valencies of the combining atoms.
There are two non-metals which participate in molecule
Example 1:
Formula of Hydrogen Compound:
Therefore formula: HCl
Example 2:
Formula of Hydrogen Sulphide:
Therefore formula:H2O
Example 3:
Formula of Carbon Tetrachloride:
Therefore formula: CCl4
Formula of Ionic Compound: When the First element is Metal which forms cation (+) and Second element is non-metal which form anion (-).
Formula of Magnesium Chloride:
For finding the the formula of Magnesium Chloride, we write symbol of cation with element like this (Mg+), After this we write the symbol of anion of (Cl-). Then we crossover the charges we obtain formula.
Example 4:
Therefore formula: MgCl2
Example 5:
Formula of Alumunium Oxide:
Therefore formula:Al2O3
The Compound of Polyatomic Ions:
Example 6:
Formula of Sodium Nitrate:
Therefore formula: NaNO3
Example 6:
Therefore formula: (NH4)2SO4
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